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Human Biosamples for Cancer Research

Research Applications for these Essential Tools in Oncology Research

Human biospecimens for cancer research are biological samples that are collected from patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. These biosamples can be collected from various parts of the body, including the tumour itself, adjacent normal tissue, and biofluids like blood or urine.

Cancer affects millions of people worldwide, and researchers have been studying cancer for decades, trying to understand its underlying mechanisms and find new treatments. Human biosamples for cancer research are the most important discovery tools available to scientists. 

"Clinical biospecimens are samples that are collected from patients who have been diagnosed with cancer. These samples can be collected from various parts of the body, including the tumour itself, adjacent normal tissue, and biofluids like blood or urine."

Applications for clinical biosamples used in cancer research include:

Identifying genetic mutations

By analyzing the DNA of cancer cells, researchers can identify specific mutations that are driving the growth of the tumour. The data is used to develop new targeted therapies that specifically target those mutations.  

Developing biomarkers

Biomarkers are biological molecules that can be used to diagnose cancer, predict how aggressive it is, and determine the best course of treatment. Clinical biosamples are used to identify new biomarkers that can help in clinical practice.

Testing New Treatments

Clinical biosamples can be used to test new cancer treatments. Researchers can grow cancer cells in the lab and test different drugs to see which are most effective at killing cancer cells.

Understanding the biology of cancer

Clinical biosamples can be used to study the underlying biology of cancer. Researchers can better understand how cancer develops and progresses by analyzing the genes, proteins, and other molecules in cancer cells.

Clinical biosamples are typically collected during a biopsy or surgery. A small tumour plus surrounding tissue sample is removed using a needle and sent to the pathology department for analysis. In some cases, patients may also provide blood or urine samples that can be used to analyze cancer cells or biomarkers.

It is important to note that collecting clinical biosamples requires the patient's informed consent. Patients must be fully informed about the risks and benefits of donating biosamples for research and give their consent in writing.

Clinical biosamples are an essential tool for cancer research. By analyzing the DNA, proteins, and other molecules in cancer cells, researchers can better understand how cancer develops and progresses. The data generated helps develop new targeted therapies, biomarkers, and treatment strategies to improve patient outcomes. As cancer research evolves, clinical biosamples will remain a crucial resource for scientists and clinicians.

Please click on the links below to inquire about the Compare Biomarket® range of clinical biospecimens and services suitable for your unique human health research needs.

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Latest Biosamples, Services and Research Developments

Human Biospecimens for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Research

Elucidating Molecular and Genetic Characteristics

Board-Certified Pathology Review

Ensuring FFPE Tissue Specimens are Accurately Characterized

Fresh Viable Tissue

Applications Include Biology, Medicine and Pharmacology

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